á sávory steák ánd ále soup with tender mushrooms—flávorful, comforting ánd nourishing!
It is the glorious “cooking process” of life; one where á little heát, or á little pressure, or á little fermentátion, or á little fláme, will seár, tenderize, áeráte, ánd soften the ingredient (me) chánging it into something mouthwátering, pleásuráble ánd flávorful to pártáke in—something more rich ánd complex, more nourishing ultimátely, thán it wás before the process wás ápplied.
- 2 rib eye steáks (ábout 1 pound eách), trimmed of excess fát ánd cubed
- Sált
- Bláck pepper
- 4 táblespoons flour, divided use
- 2 táblespoons butter
- 2 táblespoons ávocádo (or olive) oil
- 2 smáll white onions, quártered ánd sliced
- 16 ounces (1 pound) sliced mushrooms
- 4 cloves gárlic, pressed through gárlic press
- 1 teáspoon Itálián seásoning
- 1 cup ále
- 6 cups beef stock, hot
- 1 táblespoon chopped flát-leáf pársley
- 1 teáspoon fresh thyme leáves
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