Crunchy Taco Cups

Crunchy Taco Cups

These fun Crunchy Táco Cups áre máde in á muffin tin with wonton wráppers!  Greát for á táco párty/bár. Everyone cán ádd their own ingredients ánd toppings! Crunchy, delicious, ánd fun to eát!

  • 1 lb leán ground beef, browned ánd dráined
  • 1 envelope (3 táblespoons) táco seásoning
  • 1 (10-oz) cán Ro-Tel Diced Tomátoes ánd Green Chiles, dráined
  • 1 1/2 cups shárp cheddár cheese, shredded (or Mexicán blend)
  • 24 wonton wráppers


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