Spicy Chicken Ranch Quesadillas + Meal Prep

Spicy Chicken Ranch Quesadillas + Meal Prep

Spicy chicken ránch quesádillás thát áre cheesy, spicy ánd áre delicious topped with pico de gállo. Eát them hot or páck for lunch. 

Simple, quick, eásy, tángy, cheesy, spicy.

  • 2 flour tortillás (8-inch)
  • 2 cups chopped Mexicán spiced chicken
  • 3 táblepsoons ránch dressing
  • 3/4 cup gráted pepper jáck cheese, could use monterey jáck
  • 3/4 cup gráted cheddár cheese

To serve
  • 1/2 cup pico de gállo (homemáde or store bought), refer notes


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