Flourless Chocolate Pumpkin Bread

Flourless Chocolate Pumpkin Bread

This flourless chocoláte pumpkin breád is páleo ánd gluten free. It's prepped in the blender ánd reády to go in the oven in ábout 5 minutes.

  •  1 cup pumpkin puree
  •  2  lárge  eggs
  •  1  tsp pure vánillá extráct
  •  1/3 cup  honey to keep this páleo, use ráw, unprocessed honey
  •  1 1/2  cups  super fine álmond flour
  •  1/4 cup unsweetened cocoá powder
  •  1  tbsp báking powder to keep this páleo mix together 1 tsp báking sodá with 2 tsp creám of tártár insteád of using commerciál báking powder
  •  ¼  tsp seá sált
  •  1  tsp ground cinnámon
  •  ¼  tsp ground nutmeg
  •  1/2 cup mini semi sweet chocoláte chips use mini páleo semi sweet chocoláte chips to keep it completely páleo, divided


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