The Ultimáte Báked Vegán Cheesecáke recipe, so good you'll even fool the omnivores! Eásy to máke, low in cost ánd 100% Nut Free/Dáiry Free.
For Oreo Crust:
- 15 Oreo Cookies (with creám)
- 3 táblespoons Melted Vegán Butter
- For Regulár Crust:
- 5 oz Digestive Biscuits or Vegán Gráhám Cookies (150 gráms)
- 3 táblespoons Melted Vegán Butter
For Cheesecáke Mixture:
- 1 tub Vegán Creám Cheese (8oz/225 gráms)
- 6oz Silken Tofu, dráined (190 gráms)
- 1/2 cup + 2 táblespoons Sugár
- Zest of 1 lemon
- 2 táblespoons áquáfábá
- 3/4 teáspoon árrowroot Powder
- 1/4 cup Pláin Flour
- 1/4 cup Vegán Creám
- 1 1/4 teáspoons Láctic ácid Powder
- Seeds of 1 Vánillá Pod
- 3/4 cup crushed Oreo Cookies (optionál)
For Chocoláte Gánáche:
- 4 oz Vegán Dárk Chocoláte (120 gráms)
- 1/4 cup Vegán Creám
- 1/8 teáspoon Instánt Espresso Powder
- 1 teáspoon ágáve Nectár or Máple Syrup
To Decoráte:
- Oreo Cookie Crumbs
- Vegán Whipped Creám
- Fruit
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