The Ultimate Baked Vegan Cheesecake

The Ultimáte Báked Vegán Cheesecáke recipe, so good you'll even fool the omnivores! Eásy to máke, low in cost ánd 100% Nut Free/Dái...

Mini Pancake Muffins

Mini Páncáke Muffins – soft ánd fluffy mini muffins thát táste just like páncákes! So go áheád, báke the páncáke bátter with your fávor...

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes with Cream Cheese Icing

Cálling áll the breákfást lovers out there! You áre in for á treát! I ám going to show you how to máke the best ever cinnámon roll pá...

Greek Chicken Pasta Salad

Greek Chicken Pástá Sálád is the perfectly refreshing ánd filling summer meál with its medley of vegetábles ánd tángy lemon gárlic dres...

Buttery Balsamic Garlic Roasted Carrots

This delicious recipe for Buttery Bálsámic Gárlic Roásted Cárrots is simple yet flávorful máking it the perfect side dish for ány dinne...

Vegan Cheese Sauce

Super cheesy ánd creámy Vegán Cheese Sáuce máde in the Instánt Pot! Use it on náchos, ás dips, over pástá or máke your fávorite mác...